HR0078Y 12864 128*64 DOTS LCD module 5V screen Display Yellow
12864 LCD display module can display letters, numbers,and graphics. It can show graphics and words in mixed display. It can also display 128 (column) * 64 (row) dot matrix.
Three kinds of control interfaces are provided: 8 microprocessor interfaces, 4 microprocessor interfaces, serial interfaces.
Multifunction commands: clear the screen, cursor home, display on / off, cursor on / off, display character blink, cursor shift, display shift, vertical picture scroll and reverse display.
• Voltage: 5V
• Working temperature under normal temp.: 0~+50℃
• Storage temperature under normal temp.: -10~+60℃;
• Working temperature under wide temp.: -20~+70℃
• Storage temperature under wide temp.: -30~+80℃
• Working temperature under ultra wide temp.: -30~+80℃
• Storage temperature under ultra wide temp.: -40~+80℃
Shipping list:
12864 LCD Display Module for Arduino *1